Off-the-Rails History of Roller Coaster Mascots

This panel was hosted at Anthrocon 2024!

Above you can click through the slideshow shown at the panel.


A surface level look at roller coaster mascots with a heavy focus on animal coaster mascots, categorized by type of animal. After a commerical break we aso take a look at coaster shirts, what makes a good one and many examples. To end out the presentation we brefily cover the call-backs to defunct coasters by their current day replacements and take a quick look at the furry communities own creations based on coasters.

Link to more indepth explination of each slide

Here is the playlist of the rest of the commericals Grey and I found but couldn't fit into our commercial break video! Give them a watch if you have the chance, many show off the amazing mascots these coasters have while others are just very strange and must be seen.